Live Food

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates


La vie

We are proud to partner with Santa Cruz based LaVie, wellness in a bottle. These crafted all natural, probiotic wellness tonics are made with an infusion of fresh juices and superfood ingredients. Highly concentrated cultures and organic fruits and vegetables make these ‘live food’ wellness drinks one of a kind. We are proud to exclusively offer in the Idaho market the LaVie line of wellness products at our Ketchum location. Visit our Bella Asante high vibration tasting bar for a sample.


Why you need Probiotics
You are what you eat!

More accurately, you are what you feed the trillions of little organisms that live in your gut. The lining of your gut, like every surface of your body, is covered in microscopic creatures, mostly bacteria. These organisms create a micro-ecosystem called the microbiome. And though we barely notice it's there, it plays an oversized role in your health and can even affect your mood and behavior. Not surprisingly, what you feed your microbiome may have the biggest impact on its health. And the healthier it is, the healthier you are!

The key to a healthy microbiome is nourishing a balance among the nearly 1,000 different species of bacteria in your gut. There are two ways to maintain this balance - helping the microbes already there to grow by giving them the supportive foods they like (prebiotics) and adding living microbes directly to your system (probiotic).

Incorporating LaVie super live foods daily, can maintain the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria, resulting in a happier, healthier you.

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Tonics and Probiotics